Staying Focused on the Work Before Us

A Saturday morning update from the Georgia Deputation.

Clergy deputies from Georgia discuss restructuring questions with deputies from Arkansas during a joint session of the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops on Friday, during the General Convention.

News of the real world continually filters into the bubble that is the 78th General Convention of the Episcopal Church. We learn of not just the ruling of the Supreme Court on same sex marriages, but also a beheading in France, a mosque bombing in Kuwait, the Confederate flag’s removal in South Carolina, and the wife of a deputy from another diocese suffering a stroke. News filters in and it is part of what informs our work, yet we focus on the tasks that are before us in this meeting.

For the Very Rev. William Willoughby, III this focusing on thne task at hand means partnering with other churches such as the Church of Sweden, through his work on the Ecumenical Relations Committee. For Molly Stevenson on Evangelism and Communications the committee created  a resolution Energizing the Church: Gathering and Evangelism Resources, which among other things will lead to an Evangelism Summit. Canon Frank Logue is working on the Budget for the coming three years as a part of the Program, Budget, and Finance Committee.

This morning, however, in our worship, we sent off our Bishops to St. Mark’s Cathedral where they will prayerfully discern and elect our next Presiding Bishop. We await that news as well.

Kelly Benhase is volunteering at the Convention. here she is pictured giving directions. at right, Diocese of Georgia lay deputies talk about church structure with deputies from the Episcopal Church in South Carolina.

The Rev. Jason Haddox volunteers in the Exhibit Hall. At right, Molly Stevenson is pictured with Kaycee Reib of NE Pennsylvania. Kaycee’s brother Charlie Hough is very active in the Diocese of Georgia.


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